Festuca glauca 'Elijah Blue'

Festuca glauca 'Elijah Blue'

Description: An evergreen tuft forming ornamental grass. This is a particularly good form with very striking blue grey narrow rounded leaves. Forms a small mound only 30cm high and blue green grass flower heads in summer.

Looks best when planted in drifts at the front of the border.

Climate/Position: Full sun.

Height/Spread: 30cm height and spread.

Soil Requirements: Light well drained soil, can tolerate drought. Avoid areas which remain wet in winter.

Pruning: Avoid cutting back the leaves but dead material may be removed carefully with a rake in spring.

Special Requirements: May need dividing after a number of years to ensure good clean clumps remain. best done in Spring.

Use on sunny banks, as low edging plant or in a drifts in front of mixed border or other grasses.

Looks especially good in hot dry weather.