Eucryphia lucida 'Pink Cloud'

Description: A pink flowered form of Eucryphia which makes a lrge shrub or small tree preferably in a sheltered spot. Grown for he beautiful, fragrant white, flushed-pink, rose-like flowers each having delicate white stamens and which show off elegantly against the dark green wavy edged leaves. The flowers are produced in July providing summer interest.
Uses: Use as a specimen plant in a sheltered courtyard garden. Good as a background plant when not in flower.
Climate/Position: Sun or partial shade. Sheltered position required especially when young. Roots to be shaded from hot sun. West facing wall is a good position.
Height/Spread: Up to 8 metres x 4 metres
Soil Requirements: Moist soils preferably nutral to slightly acid (low pH)
Pruning: No pruning requiired unless for shaping which should be done after flowering.
Special Requirements: It will be several years before the tree settles into flowering, and, in its early years is best to give it some protection from harsh winds.
Additional Interest: Selected from a wild population of Eucryphia lucida near Smithton in Tasmania, 1984 by Ken Gillanders.
A break down of the meaning of the name Eucryphia – from the Greek words ‘eu', meaning well, thoroughly, and kryphios , meaning hidden, cover, referring to the sepals which are joined at the apex of the buds and lucida – from the Latin word lucidus, meaning shiny, clear, in reference to the shiny leaves.
Leatherwood - probably in reference to the toughness of the timber.