Dodonea viscosa 'Purpurea'
Description: An evergreen shrub with a neat erect habit. Has leaves strongly suffused purplish red. Often used as a screen, hedge or specimen plant, and useful in a mixed planting to enhance more colourful shrubs or herbaceous.
Once established it will tolerate poor soil and drought which together with cold spells appear to intensify colour.
Climate/Position: Prefers a site in full sun. Can take temperatures down to -10C.
Height / Spread: Height 1-3m. Spread 1-2m.
Soil Requirements: Fertile, moist but well drained soil. Drought tolerant once established.
Special Requirements: Pinch out tips of young shoots to encourage bushy growth. Dislikes hard pruning.
Named for the 16th Century Flemish herbalist Rembert Dodoens. The seed pods were used in brewing as substitute for hops by early Australian settlers.