Dicentra spectabilis 'Alba'

Description: A very popular early flowering herbaceous plant with both attractive flowers and foliage. The drooping pure white heart shaped flowers are produced on arching stems in mid spring just as the soft ferny blue green foliage also emerges.
Uses: Good within a woodland setting with other early flowering plants but also suitable near the front of any mixed or herbaceous border.
Climate/Position: Good in lightly shaded sites but also in sunny location.
Height/Spread: 60cm x 80cm
Soil Requirements: Rich moisture retentive soils preferred.
Pruning: Remove foliage after it has yellowed and died back in autumn.
Special Requirements: Unlike most herbaceous plants that benefit from lifting and division, Dicentras prefer to be left undisturbed as they have thick fleshy roots.
Additional Interest: Synonym of Lamprocapnos spectabilis 'Alba'