Dahlia 'Melody Mambo'

Description: A compact and freely branching robust Dahlia with rich deep red prolific flowering habit. The anemone form of this variety are rain resistant. A very worthwhile new introduction which if planted in groups will produce excellent and effective colour throughout late summer.
Uses: This variety is good for a mixed border, a specialist dahlia border and also for container and patio use.
Climate/Position: Sunny position
Height/Spread: 55cm
Soil Requirements: Moist well drained.
Pruning: Deadheading will promote production of more flowers for continued heavy flowering display.
Special Requirements: Though traditionally Dahlias are lifted after flowering and the first frost in the autumn, in southern parts of the UK and in free draining soil then the tubers (roots) can be left in the soil for overwintering. If lifted then dry first for a week and then store in cool dry frost free location just covered in slightly moist peat or compost. Pot up or plant out in the spring.
Additional Interest: PBR (Plant Breeders Rights) apply.
This dahlia was added to the Melody series in 2002 by breeder Gebr Verwer who bred the plant from parentage 'Gallery Art Deco' × D. 'Melody Bolero' by breeder - Gebr Verwer who bred the plant in 1999 from parentage 'Gallery Art Deco' × D. 'Melody Bolero'