Cyclamen hederifolium WHITE

Description: A gem of a plant, dainty and easy to look after. Delicate, nodding white flowers appear slightly before the foliage in the autumn. Heart shaped, mottled purple-green leaves appear later with the flowers and eventually fade in the spring. Once established cyclamen self seed freely and there are few sights as pleasing to the eye as a carpet of well established cyclamen under a tree. Foliage persists until spring.
Hardy and reliable once established, Cyclamen are tough and enduring plants. Great planted with Winter Aconites, Snowdrops and Crocus.
Climate / Position: Partial shade under shrubs and trees.
Height / Spread: Height and spread 10-13cm.
Soil Requirements: Fertile, humus-rich, well-drained soil.
Pruning: None required.
Special Requirements: Mulch annually with leaf mould as leaves wither.