Cornus alba 'Spaethii'

Description: A very good value garden plant with attractive variegated leaves which have bold yellow margins and always look bright and fresh The leaves turn shades red in autumn. Can be grown as a medium shrub in which case creamy white flowers and some berries may be seen. However, often grown for additional interest of brilliant red winter stems. For best effect prune as described. The rich bright red stems work well if planted in a group, near water or with other coloured stems.
Climate/Position: Full sun or partial shade.
Height/Spread: Up to 3 metres x 3 metres if not coppiced. Coppiced plants reach 1-1.5 metres.
Soil Requirements: Prefers moist soils even boggy soils and suited to heavy clays.
Pruning: If grown for winter stem colour, then stems should be cut to within 5-7cm of ground level each year in March, or if preferred select half one year and the other half the following year. this will maintain a structure and be less severe to the plant.
Special Requirements: If coppiced as above, then annual feeding and mulching is recommended to maintain a healthy strong plant as it is being asked to do a lot producing strong new growth each year.