Clematis 'Multi Blue'

Clematis 'Multi Blue'
Description: Beautiful double and semi double flowers of  a rich velvety dark blue.  The flowers are produced on both old and new growth and so can be seen throughout summer from May to September although flowers produced towards the end of the season may be semi-double

Uses: A compact growing clematis which is suitable for growing in a container. The plant's compact habit makes it ideal for smaller gardens.

Climate/Position:  Ideally plant against a wall or fence which is sheltered

Height/Spread:  Reaches up to 2.5 metres x  90cm

Soil Requirements:  Humus rich, fertile and well drained soil. The roots of clematis like to be kept cool.

Pruning: Remove any dead or weak stems in late winter or early spring and cut remaining stems back to the highest pair of strong-growing buds. As new growth appears in mid-spring, train the stems so that they are evenly spaced on the support and this will ensure the blooms cover the whole plant, 

Special Requirements:  To keep roots cool you can plant amongst low growing shrubs. If planting in containers, ensure the pot is large enough to ensure roots are not restricted too much.  Apply a mulch of well rotted manure or compost in spring after pruning.  This helps feed the plant and also aids water retention.

Additional Interest:  Additional Interest: A sport of The President introduced by Bouter and Zoon in 1983 in the Netherlands The name Clematis comes from the Greek word 'klema' meaning vine branch. Refers to the vine-like habit of many of the species