Citrus limonia

Description: Citrus are relatively easy plants to grow if simple rules are followed. Once followed they reward you with strongly scented flowers and of course – fruit!. Lemon trees form large shrub / small tree. Strongly fragrant white flowers are freely produced from Spring to Summer followed by fruit.
Climate / Position: During summer stand lemon plants outside in a sheltered spot, gradually moving the plant into full sun. When the weather cools in the late autumn bring the plants in to an unheated well ventilated conservatory or greenhouse.
Height / Spread: Height 2-3m. Spread 1.5-2m. Although limited by the size of the container they are grown in.
Soil Requirements:Well drained potting compost. Refresh soil every 3 years or so.
Pruning: Cut the canopy back by a third each year and remove any damaged or dead stems. Thin fruit out.
Special Requirements: Water thoroughly during the growing season but do not allow to stand in water. Feed throughout the growing season with summer citrus feed. Water sparingly in winter months and feed with winter citrus feed. Repot every few years. Plants can lose leaves after having been moved inside or outside for the season due to temperature change. Fruit can be thinned to improve quality as they can take up to a year to reach maturity.
One of the best scented plants you could wish for. Sit back on the patio, pour yourself a Gin and Tonic and pop in a slice of lemon from your very own tree.