Caryopteris x clandonensis 'Hint of Gold'

Caryopteris x clandonensis 'Hint of Gold'

Description: A deciduous shrub with mounding, rounded habit and outstanding bright lime yellow aromatic foliage that holds up well even in hot sunny positions. Deep violet-blue sweetly scented flowers from late summer into autumn which attract insects.

Climate/Position: Needs a sunny position and shelter in cold areas. Drought tolerant

Height/Spread: Will reach a height of 60cm - 1 metre height and spread.

Soil Requirements: Thrives in any moist well-drained soil. Intolerant of wet, poorly-drained soils.

Pruning: Every spring cut back to within two leaf-buds of the old growth to promote new shoots. Weak stems should be cut base to the base

Special Requirements:

Avoid wet soils and provide some shelter in coldest locations.

PBR -Plant Breeders Rights apply.

The hybrid is usually sold under the trade name Hint of Gold and originates from a cross between the two Asian species Caryopteris incana and C. mongolica.

The cultivar name of 'Lisaura' refers to Liss nursery and to the plant's golden leaves (aura meaning gold).