Campsis x tagliabuana 'Madame Galen'

Campsis x tagliabuana 'Madame Galen'

Description: 'Madame Galen' is the hardiest and most reliable of the Trumpet Vine. it is a large and vigorous woody vine suited for pergolas, or climbing up walls, gazebos or fences. Noted for its showy trumpet-shaped flowers in terminal cymes that are best after several months of warm weather so best grown on a south-facing wall or well-sheltered pergola for good flowering as it is vital that the new growth ripens properly.

Flowering begins in mid July and strong, well-established plants will continue until the first frosts. Pinnate leaves from end of April are large, deciduous, deep green and rather exotic looking.

Climate/Position: Warm and sunny spot essential for prolific flowering.

Height/Spread: They are fast and vigorous growing vines that can create a dense coverage may grow to 10 metres in height.

Soil Requirements: Preferes a limey soil. Deep rooting.

Pruning: For profusion of flowers Campsis need to be pruned every spring. Cut all last year´s growth to 2-3 pairs of live buds. The flowers are produced on the new shoots so the more shoots you have the more flowers you get.

Special Requirements: Tie up the first branches to its support as it cannot twine around it.

x tagliabuana is a hybrid between C. grandiflora from China, and C. radicans from South Eastern United States.

Introduced in 1889.