Buddleja davidii Buzz Sky Blue

Buddleja davidii Buzz Sky Blue

Description: The buzz series of Buddleia are a collection of excellent smaller growing Buddleia suited to the smaller garden  Profussion of long flower heads which start as darker flowers and fade to sky blue.  As with all buddleia then will attract butterflys to the garden.  A superb plant beautifully proportioned.

Uses: Good for the smaller garden and container growing. Also good among summer herbaceous and excellent in wildlife gardens,

Climate/Position: Full sun

Height/Spread: Only 1.2 metres 

Soil Requirements: Any fertile soil must be well drained.

Pruning: Prune back hard in March, removing all of the previous year's growth to three or four buds.

Special Requirements:

Additional Interest:  Buddleia are named after the Rev. Adam Buddle, one time vicar of Farnbridge, Essex.  The Buzz series were bred at Thompson & Morgan in Suffolk and are subject to Plant Breeders' Rights (PBR)