Aucuba japonica 'Crotonifolia'
Description: A slow –growing evergreen, upright shrub providing colour and structure all year round. The thick, glossy leaves are boldly spotted with gold - yellow speckles and blotches and insignificant purple flowers. This versatile and widely used shrub suits many conditions from full sun to full shade. The variegation does not fade in shade and illuminates shady areas. Spotted Laurels give colour and structure throughout the year and are ideal for a formal hedge. They are pollution tolerant so particularly suited to urban and suburban gardens.
This low maintenance plant is widely used for hedging as it is tolerant of heavy pollution and coastal conditions. Can be used in containers.
Probably the best of the Aucubas.
Climate / Position: Very versatile, noted for shade tolerance but will also grow in partial shade or even full sun.
Height / Spread: Slow-growing it will reach 1.8m after ten years if left unpruned.
Soil Requirements: It thrives in most soils, including dry ground near hedges and trees. Avoid waterlogged soils.
Pruning : Shrubs may be left to grow unchecked, or lightly trimmed to shape once annually in late summer, always using secateurs to avoid cutting the large leaves. Can also be grown and pruned as an evergreen hedge.
Special Requirements: