Achillea 'Apricot Delight' (Tutti Frutti Series)

Description: The recently introduced range of the Tutti Frutti™ series have been bred for their compact habit and neat bushy habit. The ferny foliage which has a spicy aroma, is topped throughout summer with large plate like heads of flowers. The flowers create interest throughout summer with unusual mixed shades of apricot and pink which are richer in full sun and will fade to soft shades as they mature so creating a range of colours all on the same plant.
Uses: This compact form is especially good for growing in containers. Also good at the front of a sunny border especially when used with hot colours or among smaller grasses. Ideal for creating a cottage garden effect or for naturalistic planting and is attractive to insects but not liked by deer. It also makes an excellent cut flower and the flower heads can be dried for use in floral arrangements.
Climate/Position: Full sun preferred for best results
Height/Spread: 60cm x 50cm
Soil Requirements: Adaptable to most soils but prefers moist, well-drained but not wet soil. Achillea are drought tolerant.
Pruning: The flower heads can be cut back directly after flowering and this will encourage a second flush. However, you many people prefer to leave the attractive flower heads through the autumn and winter and cut down to the ground in late winter
Special Requirements: Lift and divide old clumps in autumn or spring if required to encourage rejuvenation.
Additional Interest: Bred from Summer Pastels Group and Introduced by Blooms of Bressingham as the Tutti Frutti™ Series. The plant Achillea was named by the Swedish botanist Linnaeus, in honour of the Greek hero Achilles.