Acer palmatum 'Skeeter's Broom'

Description: A red leaved Japanese maple with a neat deeply divided, palmate lobed foliage which is maroon red through spring and summer turning bright red in autumn.
Multi-stemmed with compact and upright habit.
Suited as with most Japanese Acers for specimen use, small gardens, mixed borders or container growing.
Climate/Position: For best colour and to avoid leaf scorch, Japanese Acers prefer dappled shade in a sheltered spot protected from full sun, frost and cold winds.
Height/Spread: Can ultimately reach 4 x 4 metres. Grow as small multi stemmed tree or large shrub
Soil Requirements: Better on acid / neutral soils for best leaf colours. Must be well drained as dislikes winter wet - loamy sand would be ideal.
Pruning: Best to avoid any pruning except formative shaping in early years if needed, and removal of any closely crossing or dead branches.
Special Requirements:
'Skeeter's Broom' is derived from a witch's broom
found on the cultivar 'Bloodgood'.