Acer japonicum 'Aconitifolium'

Description: An elegant maple making a beautiful spreading, bushy tree or large shrub and is one of the best Acer for autumn colour. The deeply lobed fern like mid-green leaves turn stunning shades of deep red early in the autumn especially when growing in partial shade. In early spring then masses of small, red-purple flowers which are followed by winged seed-heads in autumn. Over time will form a specimen plant but patience is needed.
Uses: A specimen plant or at the back of a large border.
Climate/Position: Dappled shade is always best for Acers, full sun will often lead to leaf scorch.
Height/Spread: 5 metres x 6 metres spread
Soil Requirements: Free draining light slightly acid soil prefered.
Pruning: No pruning required. Shaping or removal of any dead shoots may be carried out.
Special Requirements:
Additional Interest: The name Aconitifolium is named as the shapely cut leaves are similar to the leaf of Aconite